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"Let good academics form the foundation of better patient care" Elizabeth Warren

Education @Nims: Life-Long Learning
The importance of lifelong learning can not be overemphasized in the field of Medical Sciences. In a field like Medical where new technologies and drugs are being introduced every day and the new inventions and discoveries make the paradigm shift every now and again, it becomes imperative for a medical professional to be on top of all this on a continuous basis. And this is only possible if you keep your knowledge and skills up to date by adopting an approach of Continous Medical Education (CME). As we all know, learning demands a great deal of effort from both, the learner as well as the trainers. Here, the institutions can play a real instrumental role by acting as facilitators, promoters and motivators. As an institution, we need to understand that whatever we invest towards promoting the educational system, all is a real investment towards our own futures.
At NIMS Super-specialty Hospital and the associated group of companies, we take the Education and the Continous Professional Development of our Employees, Students and all other stakeholders very seriously and are determined to make it happen at any cost. After all, their bright futures will automatically enlighten our horizons too.