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Meet Our Team

Prof. (Dr) Balvir S Tomar
"When I was a young kid, I used to admire Inelligent people. As I grow older and see more of real life, I started admiring Kind people. The real intelligence is in the service of Humanity"
Dr Balvir S Tomar, a world-renowned Pediaric Gasroenterologist, a Great Leader and an Eminent Phlianthropist, is our visionary Chairman & Chancellor who always inspires us to achive more in life. He is the Founder Chairman of Nims Super-specialty Hospital, Naional Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical College, News India 24x7, NiFlux, NiPharma, and a number of ventures. Nims Group is making progress in leap and bounds under his dynamic leadership. He very ind hearted and is true human being who belives helping those who are in need. Dr Balvir Singh Tomar is a very well read and a widely travelled person who is known for his chiarasmatic personality...

Dr (Prof) BS Tomar
Prof. Medicine & Director
Dr Prof BS Tomar is a visionary Founder Chairman & Chancellor of Nims University.

Dr BR Meena
Vice Chancellor
Dr BR Meena, former Director of Health & Family Welfare, is a Vice-Chancellor in the Nims Superspecialty Hospital & Nims University. Dr Meena is full of energy and enthusiasm and brings a wealth of his connections to different liaison works. He is also a well known Respiratory Medicine Specialist.

Dr Vinay Singh
Orthopedic Surgeon & Clinical Director
Dr Vinay is one of the best Orthopedic Surgeon in the country. He has spent over 15 years in the UK from where he has finished his FRCS and then joined Nims Superspecialty Hospital. He is a very disciplined administrator and leads the clinical wing of the Hospital as a Clinical Director. He is also a keen teacher and runs ATLS course here.

Dr Pankaj Singh
Neurosurgeon & Director
Dr Pankaj Singh is a Neurosurgeon by profession as well as a Director in the Nims Superspecialty Hospital. He has joined the team after finishing his Neurosurgical Training in the UK. Dr Singh a keen academician and is driven by quality. He determined to make the Nims Superspecialty Hospital one of the best in the world.

Dr Ravi Mathur
Medical Superintendent
Dr Ravi Mathur is a gifted surgeon as well as Medical Superintendent for the Hospital. He plays a vital role in day to day administration.

Ms Manisha Chaudhary
Chief Administrator
Manisha plays one of the most vital roles in the Nims Superspecialty Hospital and literally acts as a central axis around which the whole system revolves. She is a very industrious person with a kind and tender heart. She is responsible for all day to day decision making and execution of decisions of the senior management.