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Nims Superspecialty Hospital, Institute of Pediatrics offers state of the art health care exclusively for children. Located in Nims Superspecialty Hospital, Delhi-Jaipur Highway, Jaipur, India, is well equipped with the most advanced pediatric care facilities and acts as a Regional Centre of Excellence for Neonatal, Pediatric and Adolescent Care. Institute of Pediatrics is staffed with a well trained Acute Life Support, APLS, Neonatal and New Born Care and Resuscitation, Critical Care, Ward Management, Nutrition, Learning Difficulty, etc and have one of the best paediatricians in our team.
The health needs of neonates children and young adults are extremely unique and different. The incidence of prematurity, low birth weight (LBW), Childhood Diabetes, asthma, developmental disorders etc, are rising especially in third world countries like India. In addition, a growing prevalence of childhood obesity and eating disorders, lack of physical activities, overexposure to pollution and UV radiation etc have contributed to an increasing need for Paediatric super specialities such as Neonatology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Cardiology, Specialized Pediatric Emergency Care, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Critical Care, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Oncology, Pediatric Neurosurgery etc
One basic difference that we need to understand when planning or delivering Pediatric Care is that a child is a growing person whose body is undergoing tremendous changes and evolution, naturally. This poses special challenges to those who are involved in the planning, delivery and execution of these services.
Our objective is to provide excellent healthcare to the masses in the most cost-effective way eventually to create some difference in the health care and the well-being of children, adolescents and their families by integrating medical care, education and research. It's the sheer love of our patients and their families that enables us to provide the highest quality of care and services to the community, offering all major health care services under one roof.

Prof. (Dr) Balvir S Tomar
"When I was a young kid, I used to admire Inelligent people. As I grow older and see more of real life, I started admiring Kind people. The real intelligence is in the service of Humanity"
Dr Balvir S Tomar, a world-renowned Pediaric Gasroenterologist, a Great Leader and an Eminent Phlianthropist, is our visionary Chairman & Chancellor who always inspires us to achive more in life. He is the Founder Chairman of Nims Super-specialty Hospital, Naional Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical College, News India 24x7, NiFlux, NiPharma, and a number of ventures. Nims Group is making progress in leap and bounds under his dynamic leadership. He very ind hearted and is true human being who belives helping those who are in need. Dr Balvir Singh Tomar is a very well read and a widely travelled person who is known for his chiarasmatic personality...
√Allergy & Asthma Clinic
√Pediatric Neurology
√Pediatric Cardiology
√Pediatric Urology
√Immunization/ Vaccination Clinics
√Pediatric Nephrology
√Pediatric Plastic & Corrective Surgery
√Pediatric Oncology
√Pediatric Endocinology
√Pediatric Orthopedics
√Pediatric & Adolscent Speech & Language Clinic
√Genetic Counselling
√Thalassemia Clinic
√Pediatric Hematology Clinic
√Child Psychiatry
√PEM & Pediatric Nutrition Clinic
√Special Need Child/ Behaviour Modification
*Ward Based Services
√General/ Private Wards
√5 Star Facility Deluxe Wards
√CT/MRI/ Blood Tests/ Ultrasound/ XRay/ ECHO
√Repeated Blood Transfusions
√Bone Marrow Aspiration
√Lumbar Puncture
√In patient Assessment & Treatment of Nutritional Disorders including PEM
√Child Epilepsy
√Heart Problems
√ARI (Sore Throat, Cough, Chest infection)
√Ear Pain/ Glue Ear
√Anemia, Asthma, Chickenpox, Diphtheria, Leukemia, Measles, Mumps, Pneumonia, Polio, Tuberculosis, Whooping cough, Lyme disease, Fever, Down's syndrome, Dental caries, Cystic fibrosis, Chagas disease, Candidiasis, Cancer, Bronchiolitis
√In House Vaccinations
*NICU (Neonatal ICU)/ PICU (Pediatric ICU)
√Most Advanced Incubators
√Respiratory support equipment
√Neonatal/ Pediatric Intubation/ Ventilation
√Most Advanced Monitors
√Syringe Drivers/ IV Pumps
√Umbilical Catheters
√Peripheral lines/ Central lines
√Kangaroo Mother Care
√Out Reach OPDs
√School Kids Healthcheks
√Corporate Organization Kids Healthcheks
√Community Vaccination Drives
√Community Based PEM Clinics
√Ped Community Cardiology
√Door to Door Health & Sanitation Programs
√NAI Detection/ Child Protection
√Child Abuse/ Child Neglect- Detection/ Preventation
√Physical Examinations & Child Indexing
√Hereditary Diseases and Genetic Counselling
√Community Fluorosis Awarness Clinics/ Programs
√Community Asthma & Allergy Clinics
√Diarrheal Diseases & Dehydration Prevention Helpline
√Kids Covid Helpline

Dr Rupesh Masand
MBBS, MD (Pediatrics)
Professor of Pediatrics
Dr Rupesh Masand is a Senior Professor Head of the Department of Pediatrics. He has done MBBS from S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur and MD in Pediatrics from SMS Medical College, Jaipur. He is a specialist in Pulmonology and critical care. Dr Rupesh Masand Has Published more than 50 Articles in national and international Journals. He is the life member of IAP, IMA, and IAP-IYCF chapter, IAP Respiratory Chapter and also the member of Executive Board IAP Jaipur, Co-Chairman scientific committee, Rajasthan and editorial board member of Indian Journal of Child Health. He is a seasoned Clinician and an accomplished Academician. He is well known for his Clinical Diagnosis and Curative Treatment.

Dr Chaman Ram Verma
MBBS, MD (Pediatrics)
Professor Pediatrics & Dean Medical College
Dr Chaman Ram Verma is a Professor of Pediatrics & Dean Medical College at Nims Superspecialty Hospital and National Iinstitute of Medical Sciences, Medical College. He has done his MBBS and MD in Pediatrics form SMS Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur. Soon after finishing his PG in Pediatrics, he joined JK Loan Children Hospital, Jaipur as a faculty. Where he mastered the art and science of Pediatric Medicine. He joined Nims Hospital as a Consultant Pediatrician after taking VRS from JK Loan and is currently working as Dean & Professor in Pediatrics. His special area of interest includes infectious diseases, malnutrition, gastroenterology, etc to name a few.

Dr Yograj Khinchi
MBBS, MD (Pediatrics)
Professor HOD Pediatrics
Bio-Sketch: Dr Yograj Khinchi, Professor and Head Pediatrics, NIMSR
• Post PG clinical experience of 30 years which includes teaching experience of 21 years in India and 9 years abroad for UG and PG
• Experience includes as teaching faculty in JayKayLon hospital, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, SMS Medical College Jaipur. I was in-charge of Neonatology units attached with obstetric departments of SMS Medical college for 2 years.
• International exposure in the field of clinical material and teaching-learning methods and medical education technology, MCI India.
• Efficient trainer not only to the students in all respects but also paramedics and qualified medical practitioners based on my experience as medical teacher and ICDS Consultant for 7 years under ministry of health and family welfare, Government of India.
• Excellent in teaching both in traditional curriculum that includes clinical rounds, undergraduate or postgraduate clinic, theory lectures and in problem-based curriculum that deals with simulation and skill lab bases teaching in addition to teaching on real patients.
• Life member Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Life member National Neonatology Forum, Life member Indian Medical Association
• Team prepared and lead by me won 1ST Prize in undergraduate pediatric quiz during 3rd SAARC conference, Kathmandu, Nepal.
• Trained at University of Groningen, Netherlands in problem-based learning curriculum.