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NIMS has always been a buzzing centre for different exciting activities. Be it the general topics like Health Campaigns, Blood Donation Camps, Social Service, Anti-Drugs Campaigns, Road Safety Awareness Week, Women's Day, Hand Hygiene Training or the highly specialized events like Radiology Conference, Pediatrics Day, Neuroradiology Training, ATLS etc, every event is taken in its spirit to the fullest.

World Hypertension Day
17th May 2021
High blood pressure is often called the 'silent killer' because most people who have it don’t have any symptoms. And that silence can be deadly. High blood pressure can lead to a host of serious problems, including heart attack, heart failure and stroke. That’s why it’s important to know your risk factors for developing high blood pressure — and to take steps to lower your risks.
The Good News is that you can now change the Risks. And Nims Superspecialty Hospital is here to help. Big risk factors are being overweight, too much salt (sodium) in your diet, smoking and not getting enough exercise,
Being overweight strains your heart. Exercise strengthens it. Aim for 150 minutes of physical activity a week. Exercise will help you build your heart muscle and may also help you lose weight. Too much salt can cause you to retain fluid, which increases blood pressure. Salt hides in all processed foods, like hot dogs, lunch meats, pickles and all canned foods. It’s better to eat fresh or frozen vegetables. Salt also is in all cheese. If you smoke or use chewing tobacco, it’s time to quit.
Tobacco temporarily raises blood pressure in the short term, and can damage artery walls over time... so breaking the habit is one of the best things you can do for your health...

International Family Day
15th May 2021
Founded by the United Nations (UN) in 1994, the International Day of Families is observed every May 15 to honour the importance of families. Families—both traditional and non-traditional—are the foundation of society. Our most formative years are spent with our families and those people are likely the most important people in our lives, so they should be celebrated. Let’s spend time today finding ways to protect the family unit in society by starting at home with our own!
According to the United Nations, the theme for the 2021 observance of the International Day of Families is “Socially just transition towards sustainable development: the role of digital technologies on social development and well-being of all.”

International Thalassaemia Day
8th May 2021
For the global thalassaemia family, the 8th of May constitutes a very special day as it is dedicated to both commemorate the thalassaemia patients who are no longer with us but are always close in our heart and to celebrate all those patients who are alive and fighting everyday for their right to a better quality of life.
On this special day, every year, TIF focuses on a different theme that intervenes with the quality and appropriate treatment of patients and impacts their quality of life.
World Thalassaemia Day 2021: We can say that World Thalassaemia Day is observed to encourage those who struggle to live with the disease. This day is a commemoration day in honour of all patients suffering from thalassaemia and their parents who have never lost hope for life, despite the burden of their disease and also to all scientists who are doing hard work with dedication and trying to provide improved quality of life to people with thalassaemia across the globe.